Rotary Youth Exchange has been one of Rotary International’s signature programs, enabling students to spend 12 months in another country.  Unfortunately in 2020, the Rotary Youth Exchange Program had to stopped due to COVID, and students on exchange in many cases returned home.  The program has been in abeyance since then.  It has been revived in January 2023.
The Rotary Club of Launceston is sponsoring a year 10 student from Riverside High School, Holly May, to attend a year’s exchange in Suldrup in Denmark.
Holly was farewelled at a Rotary Club BBQ on Wednesday night, 18th January.  At the function, Holly was presented with a cheque to $500 to cover initial living expenses.
Rotary Club of Launceston Director of Youth Services, Sharon Deane, said youth exchanges like Rotary Youth Exchanges frequently have very positive outcomes for participating students.
Rotary Youth Exchange is one way the Rotary Club of Launceston benefits the Launceston community.
Rotary Youth Exchange student, Holly May (second right) with Sharon Deane (second left), and Co- presidents, Robyn Phillips  (left) and John Dent.
Holly May (left) and fellow exchange student from Hobart, Layla Mae Halliwell, at Launceston Airport, before flying out to commence exchanges in Europe.